一年一度由經濟部智慧財產局所主辦、參選人單項最高獎助金達新台幣45萬元、總獎助金高達新台幣1,375萬元的「97年國家發明創作獎」,在33位評選 委員歷經多次審查會議討論後正式確定得獎名單。今(97)年計有51項優良專利及6家法人獲獎,其中計有發明獎金牌5件、銀牌10件,創作獎金牌9件、銀 牌27件及貢獻獎6件。

今年「國家發明創作獎」共有300餘件報名,合格參選件數總計239件,其中發明獎152件、創作獎74件及貢獻獎13件。各類組中尤以「機械 類」的64件參與最為踴躍,其次是「生活用品、土木、醫工類」佔59件。評選委員一致表示,今年獲獎作品最大的特色,除實用性高具有龐大的市場價值外,部 分專利已投入產業生產,可達創富目的;另有些作品響應政府政策,符合綠色環保、節能減炭的功能。

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2008白河賞蓮健康路跑 10.5 k


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紅中李 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

TOKYO--Toshiba Corporation today announced two optimized packaging technologies for micro electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) semiconductor packages that achieve significant cost reductions. The first technology covers encapsulation under normal atmospheric condition, the second a stronger structure for vacuum sealing. Both technologies can be applied at the wafer level, and both have been used to achieve multi-chip MEMS packaging with a control IC at a thickness of only 0.8mm, the thinnest yet announced. Both achievements were reported on May 28th and 29th (EST) at the Electronic Components and Technology Conference 2008 held at Florida, U.S.A. from May 28th.

As achieving cost efficiency and high productivity is one of the key objectives of MEMS, there are significant demands for small sized, hermetic cavity packaging technologies. Vacuum sealing is utilized in high speed applications, such as MEMS switch and gyroscopes, but there are various problems with this, including ringing. In applications where high speed is not required, such as use in mobile phones, low cost encapsulation under normal atmospheric condition technology is employed. Toshiba has developed both packaging technologies.

Toshiba will further develop and optimize these technologies toward establishing for practical use.

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